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Conceptualizing Environmental Citizenship for 21st Century Education

Conceptualizing Environmental Citizenship for 21st Century Education

Editors: Andreas Ch. Hadjichambis, Pedro Reis, Demetra Paraskeva-Hadjichambi, Jan Činčera, Jelle Boeve-de Pauw, Niklas Gericke, Marie-Christine Knippe

Beginner 2 Students Enrolled English
Last Updated Mon, 16-May-2022
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Learning material overview

This open access book is about the development of a common understanding of environmental citizenship. It conceptualizes and frames environmental citizenship taking an educational perspective. Organized in four complementary parts, the book first explains the political, economic and societal dimensions of the concept. Next, it examines environmental citizenship as a psychological concept with a specific focus on knowledge, values, beliefs and attitudes. It then explores environmental citizenship within the context of environmental education and education for sustainability. It elaborates responsible environmental behaviour, youth activism and education for sustainability through the lens of environmental citizenship. Finally, it discusses the concept within the context of different educational levels, such as primary and secondary education in formal and non-formal settings.

Environmental citizenship is a key factor in sustainability, green and cycle economy, and low-carbon society, and an important aspect in addressing global environmental problems. It has been an influential concept in many different arenas such as economy, policy, philosophy, and organizational marketing. In the field of education, the concept could be better exploited and established, however. Education and, especially, environmental discourses in science education have a great deal to contribute to the adoption and promotion of environmental citizenship.

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Curriculum for this learning material

15 Lessons
15:00:00 Hours

Introduction to the Conceptualisation of Environmental Citizenship for Twenty-First-Century Education

1 Lesson
01:00:00 Hours
  • Introduction to the Conceptualisation of Environmental Citizenship for Twenty-First-Century Education
    Preview 01:00:00

Political, Economic and Societal Dimensions of Environmental Citizenship

3 Lessons
03:00:00 Hours
  • Political Dimensions of Environmental Citizenship
    Preview 01:00:00
  • Economic Dimensions of Environmental Citizenship
    Preview 01:00:00
  • Societal Issues and Environmental Citizenship
    Preview 01:00:00

Environmental Citizenship as Psychological Construct

3 Lessons
03:00:00 Hours
  • Knowledge and Environmental Citizenship
    Preview 01:00:00
  • Values, Beliefs and Environmental Citizenship
    Preview 01:00:00
  • Attitudes and Environmental Citizenship
    Preview 01:00:00

Environmental Citizenship in the Context of Environmental Education and Education for Sustainability

3 Lessons
03:00:00 Hours
  • Education for Environmental Citizenship and Responsible Environmental Behaviour
    Preview 01:00:00
  • Environmental Citizenship and Youth Activism
    Preview 01:00:00
  • Education for Environmental Citizenship and Education for Sustainability
    Preview 01:00:00

Environmental Citizenship in Educational Levels

5 Lessons
05:00:00 Hours
  • Environmental Citizenship in Primary Formal Education
    Preview 01:00:00
  • Environmental Citizenship in the Context of Primary Non-formal Education
    Preview 01:00:00
  • Environmental Citizenship in Secondary Formal Education: The Importance of Curriculum and Subject Teachers
    Preview 01:00:00
  • Educating for Environmental Citizenship in Non-formal Frameworks for Secondary Level Youth
    Preview 01:00:00
  • Education for Environmental Citizenship: The Pedagogical Approach
    Preview 01:00:00

About Instructor

Andreas Hadjichambis

Dr.Andreas Ch.Hadjichambis

0 Reviews | 7 Students | 31 Courses
Dr. Andreas Ch. Hadjichambis is the Scientific Director of the Cyprus Center for Environmental Research and Education (CYCERE) having the title of Research Professor and a Biology ...

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